Hey! 👋🏽 Coach D here. People who talk a lot about what they are going to do, but never do it are called Imma do’s. We all know them. They say Imma do this and Imma do that, but in actuality they aren’t doing jack shit. …
Hey! 👋🏽 Coach D here. It used to piss me off when people would tell me that I shouldn’t give my anger any energy and that I just needed to move on. They would say “just pray for him he’ll get his eventually.” …
Hey! 👋🏽 Coach D here. An eighteenth-century English poet, Thomas Gray, wrote “Where ignorance is bliss, ‘Tis folly to be wise.” This proverb suggests that not knowing something is often more comfortable than knowing it. …
Hey! 👋🏽 Coach D here. I was mentally and physically exhausted, but I am not a quitter so I kept going. I think that “not a quitter keep going” mentality has unfairly serviced me my whole life. …